
Donations & Partnership

When you Partner with Doors To Joy, you become as much a part of DTJ as Janine Joi. All that God has commissioned Janine to do is done with the help of you. Partnership is about coming alongside to be a part of that team. Partnership connects you with the work, the rewards and the anointings of this ministry. The grace and anointing on her is shared with you and you share the heavenly reward for every soul healed, every person set free and every life changed. When you become a Partner, we pray for you every day, and you will receive 10% off anything on the site. Your donation is handled through Stripe. If you choose to add 3%, that will mean the ministry will receive the full amount. Thank you!

Donation payments are handled by Stripe, and your online giving is secured by Doors to Joy, which includes layered technology to encrypt, authenticate and verify your online transactions.

Thank you for your contribution, which is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Funds are used  for the outreach of Doors To Joy. No funds go toward salaries or wages. We thank God for you and appreciate your support.

"Worrying has NEVER changed anything except the state of your health. Stop! Take EVERY WORRY to Jesus and LEAVE IT with Him.  "

Janine Joi

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