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"If you are a Jesus follower, the power of God flows through you. Release that power by doing what Jesus did. Pray for another, heal the sick, be encouraging. No one ever got anywhere by not taking that first step. "
Janine Joi
Malva helps to desensitize, soothe and unravel the reinforced patterning. Stopping the rejection cycle we can be free to mend relationships. Malva prompts the bravery needed to stay and experience the reality that’s beyond the initial perception, and melt away the feelings of paranoia and not being loved.
Those who need to step back or break free from activities which are causing us to stress and burn out. When we are in danger of becoming exhausted, use this essence to let go.
To help free us from energies that try to possess us.
Within each of us there can be hidden possessive energies that try to control our lives. These energies may originate from our parents who tried to dominate our lives or from others who would try to control and so, ‘possess’ us.
Mallow brings these hidden possessive energies to the surface where we can see them. When we identify them for what they are, they lose their power over us. It is always the things hidden in the shadows, where we can’t see them that cause the most problems.
Please note: None of the statements on this website have been evaluated. by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Doors To Joy, Inc
PO Box 36
Rhoadesville VA 22542
(707) 267-7463
hello at DoorsToJoy.com
Our mission is opening doors to joy and emotional healing through God’s creations.
We don’t sell, give away, share or do anything with your info other than that which is required by law or the EU. The Golden Rule applies here.
Doors to Joy is a 501(c)(3) faith-based nonprofit. As such, no money received is used for salaries or wages, only the needs of Doors to Joy to continue to give freely the healing power of Jesus to those in need.