4.2.20 Prophetic Word About President Trump

This is an excerpt from my prayer time with the Lord on April 2, 2020

“Turn that fear into cheer. Things are not as bad as they look. Not as bad as they seem. New things are coming. New ways of doing things.

New ways of thinking. Remember all those times I’ve told you, ‘behold I do a new thing, do you not see it? A way in the wilderness and streams in the desert.’ Remember all those times I’ve said, ‘new things are coming?’

They are here. Things are getting cleared out, cleaned out. Don’t fear. It will be a new world. That swamp others talk about. President Trump will be able to see the forest for the trees. He will be able to see more clearly who’s for him and who’s against him and he will be able to do things about it. He’s been battling an uphill battle, things will start getting on a more even keel after this.

His popularity will soar. He will gain access to the White House for another 4 yrs.

This virus is just a blip. A serious blip to be sure, but a blip. This is not the end. There is still time to get people saved. It all happens through love. Remember that.

Everyone is afraid to a degree. Everyone. Just remember to keep your eyes on me, on what I’m doing, listen to what I say. Do what I do, love, listen, encourage, forgive. All will be fine, all will be fine.

Remember, everything depends on where you put your gaze.

‘Two men looked out through prison bars, the one saw mud, the other stars.’

I will never let you go, not any of you. Keep your eyes on me. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. If the body dies, you’ll be home with me.

Live your lives to the fullest, wherever you are. Don’t allow fear, trepidation, worry (which is fear), don’t allow anything but me to enter your minds. Praise me in all things. Always remember I love you. I have your back and I have your front.”

"The power of God delivers me. The energy of God heals me.  "

Janine Joi

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