Bridge People – Prophetic Word 3-22-18 1p.m.

God has assigned and is assigning different people to be bridges between generations. These people have thought they don’t fit anywhere. They have felt stuck between two worlds. However! These people are precisely this way. There has not been a mistake. God does not make mistakes.
They are bridges for bringing people from where they are, to a new place. A broader place in the Lord. Forward, onward. Never stagnating. The Lord is stretching these ‘people bridges’. You may feel like plastic wrap, stretched to it’s max. You will not break. As the stretching takes place, you will hold there for a bit, then be stretched again.
The ‘bridge people’ are forerunners, prescients, passionate lovers of God and people. They are a people that God has taken from fearfulness to fearlessness, ever onward and ever being stretched. These ‘bridge people’ will usher in the new wave of the new way God wants to move in. God is wanting His children to come further, come deeper into Him. He is wanting His children to experience more of Him, further, deeper than ever before. This can only be accomplished through letting go of fears and going deeper into God, soaring with Him on the heights of new things.
Issiah 43:19 KJV
19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
DO NOT lose heart my children. Do not lose heart. I AM is with you. I AM will protect you. There is no place you can go, nothing you can do that will separate you from Me. I love you with an everlasting love. I want you to soar with Me. I want you to come to new heights, new depths in Me. You are my own, my very own. I never lose sight of you, you are engraved on the palms of My hands.

"When believed and spoken, any promise of God is turned into the power of God.  "

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