House Buying, Prepping, Herbs, Blackout, SHTF

Rose petals can be eaten

updated: 3.5.24 I live in Virginia now. It’s WAY different in the East than it is in the West. Everything is different, except for the language. Unless, of course, you get around some with a deep southern drawl. Then all bets are out the window.

I have learned some things I’d like to share in my house hunt. As well as other things I have to share. All pertaining to these days.

Check to see if the area the house you are looking at is close to a superfund site. It’s a big deal. There are a LOT out here in Virginia.

Check out broadbandnow to see if there is the type of internet connection you are comfortable with.

Find out when the septic was last pumped. For those in the West, a septic is a tank in the ground that holds blackwater. Sewage. It needs to be pumped every 3-5 years. Don’t put anything with bleach down the drain. Bleach will kill all the good microbes that are doing their thing in the sewage tank.

Find out about the water coming into the house. It’s usually a well here. Some water has lime in it. That dissolves bones, don’t drink it. Take a bottle with you when you go to a house you really like, to take a sample of the water. Why? Because they can dump chlorine in it and it will show no bacteria, until 2 weeks later, when it grows back.

Find out how long the commute is. Back here, 1 hour may turn into 2 with traffic. That’s a lot of wear and tear on the vehicle, gas costs and stress on the driver. If you’re caught in a snowstorm, it could be hours before you’re rescued. 2022, I-95, people were stranded there for 19 HOURS.

As an aside, back here, there’s a ‘winter storm advisory’. It’s like FIVE measly inches of snow and people go CRAZY! I come from living around snow. Tahoe, Truckee, Siskiyou mountains. However. What happens is it snows. Then it rains, then it freezes and it’s all ice. In California, snow glitters, it’s like glitter on the snow.  Minute points of shine. Here, snow freezes in sheets. Then it shines like large slabs of mica. Quite pretty. Quite harmful if sliding on it.

Quite a bit of the water in Virginia is tainted with some bacteria that makes a pink ring in the toilet.

There’s a lot of mold here. One home owner told me he uses equal parts white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide in a bottle and sprays the basement/cellar area of his home to avoid mold.

On to the prepping.

There will be a blackout at some point in our future. The grid will go down. Make sure you have:

  • Candles. Dollar [and a quarter] Tree has them.
  • Small heaters that use a candle or sterno
  • Plenty of sterno!
  • Outdoor pathway solar lights, outside during the day, inside at night for light
  •  Batteries for the flashlights and portable lights
  • Battery operated candles and small lights. Some call them fairy lights, they’re those tiny lights
  • Matches, lighters, long handles and small Bic lighters. [Scripto, whatever]
  • Generator
  • Gas for said generator
  • Propane tanks for cooking on the Coleman or other propane stove you have.
  • Heater packets for heating food
  • Also get some of those hand-held heater packets
  • Warm blankets and clothes. Even in the summer it cools off at night. Unless you’re in Phoenix. When it’s 115F during the day, it ‘cools off’ to 96 at 2 a.m.
  • Get extra reading glasses
  • Extra supplements/meds that you take
  • And don’t forget the things that make you feel good, as if things aren’t SO bad. Whatever they are: Lotion, lip balm, perfume [ we might all need this if getting clean poses problems] {Sorry guys, no clue what makes you feel pampered}
  • Tin foil. While I am against using it normally, it works really well as a container, oven, EMF blocker, antenna, [rabbit ears anyone?], light blocker, etc.

Think about it. Turn your lights off, don’t use ANYTHING electric for 24 hours. See what you need. If you were camping, what would you need?

Now on to first aid herbal stuff. I’m an herbalist. For about 42 years now. I used to own an herbal skin care business. I closed it and retired in 2019.

Of course, your growing zone tells you what you can and cannot grow.  Just remember to water it and give it sun. It’s just a matter of remembering.

Herbals To Grow:
  • Sage, tea good for headaches, respiratory issues and turkey stuffing
  • Comfrey, salve – in ointments and poultices, itching, bone healing
  • Basil, tea – headaches, immune system booster, sauces, flavoring anything
  • Calendula, strong tea [decoction] made with flowers, strained and used as eyewash for pinkeye. Infused [let sit in] oil for a min of 2 weeks to 6 weeks. Excellent for healing itching, rashes, cuts, scrapes, abrasions. Absolutely the best healing herb around. Lots of uses, research it
  • Spicy peppers. Cayenne is a catalyst for a lot of herbal things. Meaning, it is what gives the other herbs the kick to work better. Helps clear sinuses, boost immune system. Dry cayenne is great for stopping bleeding, healing mucous membranes. It’s not hot on the membranes as it is in the mouth.
  • Yarrow, white. Tea for making you sweat, salve for healing, fresh leaf for cuts. RESEARCH it. Wild is 100 % more medicinal than cultivated. True of most herbs. White yarrow is the medicinal one.
  • Lemon balm, super useful to calm the nervous system, no matter whether its in a flower essence, a tea, the dogs water. Great immune booster
  • Lemon thyme, tea, respiratory conditions. Coughs, colds, bronchitis and fanTAStic in scrambled eggs.
  • Rosemary, brings alertness to the mind when smelled. Helps memory, infused in oil stimulates circulation and helps with pain. Great herb for food
  • Thyme, disinfecting, cough, blood pressure, food
  • Garlic, lowers blood pressure, boosts immune system, clears up yeast issues. People over 60 may have issues taking garlic, diarrhea type issues.
  • Oregano. Full of carvacrol, this and thyme are excellent for healing all kinds of health issues. Boosting immunity, disinfection, antimicrobial, antiseptic. Just grow it

Make sure you have a book on common herbs and learn how to use them. When you need them is NOT when to have to look in the book.

Some great herbal authors that come to mind:

  • James Duke
  • Darryl Patton
  • David Winston
  • Michael Moore
  • James Green has a really good book for men’s health, “The Male Herbal”
  • Rosemary Gladstar
  • Matthew Wood
  • Charles Kane has written some great ones. I think most are out of print, but
  • David Hoffman

There’s more, but these will get you started.

Other Common Sense Advice:
  1. Don’t ingest essential oils.
  2. Stop using sugar, use trehalose instead. Monk fruit, stevia if you can stomach the bitterness.
  3. Use flower essences found on this website for emotional issues
  4. Take the love Jesus wants to give you. Ask Him to forgive you of your sins/wrong doings and to take over the reins of your life. Pursue Him. It won’t do much good if you don’t mean it.
  5. Get excess weight off. Stretch. Get muscle strong & limber. Get activity in at least every other day
  6. Get rid of excess possessions and junk
  7. Give to others. Tithe thru your church and give offerings elsewhere. No church? Find a charity to give it to. Doors To Joy is a good one.
  8. Buy extra socks, shoe inserts, clips for hair, toothbrushes, toothpaste and bed pillows
  9. Buy a Mock Mill or some other mill to grind your wheat berries you get from the local Amish store or Palouse Brand. Palouse grows the wheat.

Above all, love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength and love your neighbor as YOURSELF. If you don’t love yourself, stick around, Doors To Joy helps with that too.

Remember, The Lord is on YOUR side. YOU are a treasure.


"Frequencies are like dreams, they can work their spiritual goodness without our minds getting in the way.  "

Janine Joi

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