Links For Happy Travels – Reciprocal Entry

garden flowers Reciprocity, what does that mean? It means swapping one for another. For this article it means you are allowed free or discounted entry into some other place. It could be a garden, museum, science center or aquarium. I have done the research for you, so all you have to do is choose what’s important to you!

The garden I joined is Western Kentucky Botanical Garden. Everyone needs a membership at a botanic garden that includes reciprocal entry to other gardens in the USA. At only $25 a year, you get reciprocity. That’s a fabulous deal!
This is one of my bucket list gardens. The garden contains several themed gardens including a large collection of daylilies, blooming NOW, 6-26-20; and large herb, rose and English cottage gardens, along with a Kentucky symbol quilt garden, a Japanese memorial garden, a garden of heather, the Moonlite Children’s garden, the University of Kentucky Extension display garden, and a Western Kentucky U experimental garden. The garden also includes several ponds and many works of public art, including insect and wind sculptures.

Usually a museum membership includes other gardens and some science centers. But not all.  So you will need to determine what is important to you and join the correct one[s]. Below you will find links to see the pdf’s available.

Museum ReciprocityFor museums and science centers, Gila County Historical Museum is $30 for an individual and $50 for a family.
Check out the reciprocal museums!

Placer Nature Center, single is $35, 2 adults is $50. Paying thru paypal will add $3 to whichever you choose. Nature centers, also conservation centers.

Here is the Association for Nature Centers map.

Here is a list of the Association of Science and Technology Centers should you want to look up what and who is covered which INCLUDES Museums.

Here is Zoo and Aquarium list for 2020: NOTE: Monterey Bay Aquarium is NOT on the list. There are many aquariums that are not on any list.

THIS list includes phone numbers.

Idaho falls zoo $37.50 single, $47.50 1 adult and 1 child or 2 adults, must list names. Haven’t seen a senior disc at any of the others, $5 discount if a senior. THAT is a good deal. Includes aquariums.

Make sure you check and call ahead to make sure where you want to go is open and on the list.

So think about what you like to see and do get a membership to the place that 1. Is so small they could use the funds and 2. Makes sense to your budget. I like gardens, museums and aquariums with a sprinkling of science.

So for my money, I have/will buy: Western Kentucky Botanical Garden at Owensboro which will get me into THESE gardens.

Idaho Falls Zoo which will get me into a lot of aquariums.

Gila County Historical Museum, which will get me in to other history museums and some science centers.
I already have the forever Senior Pass.


  • Most of the museum/zoo/garden reciprocal programs do not honor the reciprocal benefits at locations that are within 90 miles of your home address OR the address of the museum the pass was purchased from.
  • Most of the museum/zoo/garden reciprocal benefits are good for up to 6 people. That said, this varies from museum to museum, so call ahead.
  • Parking is not included as a reciprocal benefit in many cases. Be sure to keep this in mind when planning.
  • Most attractions don’t offer free admission to special events, tours, add-ons, or performances to those using reciprocal benefits.
  • It’s always a good idea to call before visiting any location. Because many programs allow participating attractions to withdraw at any time, visiting without calling could lead to disappointment.
  • Read the fine print before purchasing anything! It’s important to know exactly what you’re getting so you can ensure that it’s the best solution for your traveling tribe.

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