Notable Breakthrough 1


There are notable miracles, notable breakthroughs and notable deliverances in my midst, NOW. So says the Lord. For everyone who follows Jesus.

I was watching Tim Sheets of Oasis Church online I think from June 23, 2024. It would be good for you to watch/listen to all of June and July 2024. You’ll know what God is doing. It might have been from 6.30.24 I can’t remember, but all of them are good, avail yourself.

Hold My Hand

Tim was talking about how God is on my side, He will hold your hand. I remembered how God has told me that for the last 6 years. Holy Spirit has told me to ‘make and sell flower essences’. I have had to work thru DECADES of fear of various things. [which only helps to know which essences to blend to help YOU get through or over something]

Most of my teenage years I often thought of killing myself. But I couldn’t figure out how to do it that was painless and wouldn’t harm someone else.  This thought would come and go throughout my life. I think I tried it once – I don’t really remember – but clearly, it didn’t happen. LOL

Fast forward to  1991. Even though I was working full time and a part-time warrior – Air National Guard, Roseville, Ca – I was clinically depressed. By this time I was a born again, Spirit-filled follower of Jesus. I had zero hope. If you don’t have hope, you have nothing. No joy, no laughter. Zip. Someone prayed for me to have hope. I remember they said, “Lord, I give them my hope”. It was a miracle, I got hope. For the first time in months, I had hope. I continued to pray the Lord would deliver me from the spirit of suicide. He did.


However, I have never valued my own life. I have always thought if I got sick, I wouldn’t fight it like I hear alot of people do. Why bother? I know where I’m going, why would I want to put myself thru that? Like chemo. Most people die anyway. I didn’t value my life. Sure I knew/know I have gifts. But so does everyone.

I was remembering that God has told me over and over He will hold my hand, He won’t let me fall into the abyss, as Tim was saying, “God will hold your hand”, I got revelation. Now I know God is holding my hand. Apparently it’s been rhema – the Word in me, percolating – and it became logos that morning. Logos, I received the understanding. AKA light bulb moment.

I realized, MY life is valuable. It’s not ‘if you won’t obey God He’ll use someone else’, which translated to me to mean, well, you’re not important, He’s got others.

I realized my life is valuable. I realized He’s holding my hand, He always has. He’s always taken care of me, He’s always there. He’s never. let. me. go. Even when I rebelled, HE didn’t let go. We have a covenant. His covenant with me is strong.

This is the song that bubbled up and the words absolutely say it all.




"Worrying has NEVER changed anything except the state of your health. Stop! Take EVERY WORRY to Jesus and LEAVE IT with Him.  "

Janine Joi

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