"Just as a little leaven leavens the whole lump, so do words. If you will speak the prophetic words you've received, if you will speak scriptures out loud, good things will start happening.  "

Janine Joi

Hope Flower Essence

Hope Flower Essence turns the negativity in your head to positivity. Coming to terms with answers from God like ‘no’, or ‘not now’. Hope is the continuance of faith. When hope is deferred, the Bible says, it makes the heart sick. We’ve all experienced that. Disappointment, feeling let down. Despair about the future. Hope essence is designed to unravel the threads around the areas of our hearts where hope is held captive. We all have hope. Even the person who is depressed and doesn’t see a way out, has hope. It’s what keeps them alive. it may be bound up, but it’s there.

Hope flower essence, taken intentionally, can unravel the thread-like roots that have tied up the hope inside us.
Hope flower essence is for those struggling to find hope, even for those that have hope, but want to experience more of what life has to offer. Take 3 drops 4 times a day.

** All essences remove the negative electric charge from our emotions, enabling Truth to rise and shine His Light upon areas that need His healing touch. **

Red amaryllis shows us things are not so daunting, that things will get better. Red Amaryllis flower essence helps the mind overcome feelings of weakness. Imparts a ‘can-do’ attitude.

Acacia shows the light at the end of the tunnel. Acacia flower essence gives hope, opens the heart to hope.

Fairy Duster helps us roll with the punches. Fairy Duster lifts heavy hearts and gives encouragement that not all is bleak. It brings inner strength, courage and enthusiasm.

Cassia Cassia Senna nemophila – imbues with strength to get the job done, carry on in life. Opens the heart to hope. Enables confidence, bringing it up from the deep recesses of ourselves.

Crocus is the essential flower to bring hope. It brings an awareness that life begins again, encouraging us to leave behind the old and venture into the new, putting aside our limiting beliefs. crocus opens the heart to a deeper trust in life around us and to the possibility of a Higher Power guiding us.

Poinsettia Poinsettia is the happy flower, giving us strength and empowerment without obnoxiousness. Poinsettia gives energy, joy and happiness. It’s not ashamed of how it looks while coming out to full flory and imparts that confidence to us. Poinsettia flower essence unveils the courage within us to express our feelings.

M&M moringa and myrtle. opens the heart to love from above. It gives a person the ability to show compassion to themselves and others. It enables the heart to feel love, know love, accept love.

Confident Hope

What is confident  hope? Eph 1:18 Confident Hope is more than simply Hope.

Confident hope is believing everything will work out because you & Jesus have a working relationship.

It’s trusting in God and His goodness. It’s believing His Word. Confident hope believes every circumstance, no matter how unpleasant at the time, is working on our behalf to grow us, mature us and cement our hope. Challenges give us the opportunity to give God the opportunity to prove His power, His might, His ability and His willingness to come to our aid. Confident hope relies on God.




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