"Just as a little leaven leavens the whole lump, so do words. If you will speak the prophetic words you've received, if you will speak scriptures out loud, good things will start happening.  "

Janine Joi

Inner Strength

This flower essence blend came about when I was struggling with jumping off what I felt was the deep end of selling flower essences and staying my practical self. I had been praying about it and the main flower in this blend, Queen Anne’s Lace, is the flower I came upon during that time. Shortly after that, I found blueberry. I was too pragmatic in my thinking. This essence absolutely showed me it’s ok. I wasn’t going against God. Even though it was He Who called me to this in the first place, I had to work through a bunch of stuff.
Inner Strength flower essence shifts the fears of being wrong, doing wrong, to strength in knowing it’s ok. You’re on the right path. You’re not going to fall into an abyss.
Take 3 drops 4 times a day. No taxes.

** All essences remove the negative electric charge from our emotions, enabling Truth to rise and shine His Light upon areas that need His healing touch. **

Queen Anne’s Lace flower essence involves balancing the polar relationship between the physical senses and soul consciousness. For example, the Queen Anne’s Lace flower essence can be very helpful for those who suffer from a variety of disturbances in the physical eyesight, especially when the body and soul struggle between unconscious intuition and hearing from God and what is objectively perceived and understood through the conscious mind.

Queen Anne’s Lace is perfect for the person who identifies as very practical, yet the intuitive side is being stifled through fear. They are afraid of ‘going off the deep end’ as-it-were, into the occult or similar, so they stay in their ‘safe’ zone.

This deep struggle between doing the right thing as they see it and doing the things God has called them to do, can make a person substitute their own distorted sense of  being ‘practical’ to the detriment of stepping out in faith.

Queen Anne’s Lace brings a unifying energy, helping us find inner strength and an integrated sense of well being.

It’s an outstanding flower essence for harmonious integration of spirit and soul, allowing the intuitive spirit within us to be free to explore the beautiful life given us by Creator, instead of being shut up in our own world of practical self-survival.

Elm is helpful when there is a feeling of overwhelm due to all the stressors of the inner transformation, where daily tasks and responsibilities seem impossible to attend to.

Cherry Plum supports those times when there is a fear of letting go, of losing control and having a mental or emotional breakdown.

Yellow Currant Used when you don’t trust yourself or the inner guidance you are receiving. When you constantly look to others for answers, Yellow Currant aligns your thinking so you are able to access the wisdom from Creator.

Blueberry helps to release mental and emotional fears that limit your ability to manifest your higher purpose in physical form. It helps you feel comfortable with your truth when it feels foreign and strange at first. It helps you get used to the changes you’ve made or need to make and feel comfortable in bold choices, especially when you are called to a singular path that separates you from others.

Rhubarb helps to stop negative energies from settling on you. It promotes mental flexibility and bring the mind into alignment with Creator through the heart. It encourages relaxation of inappropriate mental control, while balancing the rational and the intuitive.

Moringa and myrtle blend opens the heart to love from above. It gives a person the ability to show compassion to themselves and others. It enables the heart to feel love, know love, accept love.


Joshua 1:9. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of a good courage, don’t be afraid and don’t be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you, WHEREVER you go.
I am not afraid. I am stepping out of my comfort zone and into the hands of God.

Phil 4:13 I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me.

Pr 3:5 I trust in the Lord with all my heart, I don’t trust in my own understanding.

Jesus has called me and I will go. I will not look beneath my feet at the depths, I will keep my head up and move forward.

Matt 14:28-29

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