Things Are Changing 7.7.23

change is coming
Change is coming

Times are changing. This is a word the Lord gave me on July 7, 2023. {7.7.23} I thought the date was interesting. The perfect timing of God.
We have until Sept to call things that are not, as though they are. To decree and declare America will be saved. I will make a post on declarations to make and link it here. God has said the shaking will begin in Sept. We have three months to make decrees. It is now mid-July.

“Things are changing. The times are changing. I am changing things. People’s lives are going to change and they are changing. I want all my children who follow Me, to be ready in season and out of season. I want you all to pray in the morning before you leave the sanctity of your room. Make sure that you all ask to be prepared for whomever you meet. Prepare yourselves by reading my Word and knowing Who I am and what I want for you and others.

People are hungry. Some don’t even know they are hungry, some don’t know how hungry they are. It is an exciting time to be alive. Don’t look at what’s going on in the world. Don’t look at what’s going on around you.

A thousand may fall at your side and 10,000 at your right hand, but it will not come near you. Have I not said? Have I not said to trust in Me? To look to Me? I am your provider, I am your God, look to Me, trust in Me. Keep your eyes on me.

Prepare your hearts, prepare your homes, prepare your larders. It will be a time of survival for some outside, prepare yourselves so you will have an answer and a helping hand for the others that need it.”

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