Transferring Spirits

transferring spirits
Reading a Book, NOW I see!

So, I just this second learned that spirits can transfer via books. 8.13.20 3.38p

Today I asked God to tell me about his glory. He said he will show me.

I also asked for a greater discernment of spirits. Wow, was that answered fast! It helps that I’ve been praising and worshipping him all day. 😉

Oh, you wonder how I learned this? I was looking up something in a book and all of a sudden I had a spirit of lust come over me. Odd, strange and weird. Whatever could that be from I wondered inside me. It was from the book. The writer of the book. I applied the Blood of Jesus to the book and it left. Bingo!

So do make sure you apply the Blood of Jesus to yourself every day. Yes, I did, however lessons come as lessons come. It wasn’t a big deal, it was just an awareness I had.


"Being an adult, being mature, is not based on age. It's based on us being willing to learn, to grow up in our emotions. To give up our grievances and change our perceptions when they are not based on truth.  "

Janine Joi

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