Ultimate Irony

Hearing the forest

When God releases blessings or breaks strongholds, it happens over time for many people.  For instance 2005 was the year of things coming full circle. The year of breaking old cycles.

But it didn’t start happening for me until 2017.

God is opening up revelation, if we will but spend time with him and get it. That’s where so many fail. Not spending quality AND quantity time with the Lord. It’s not a matter of works, or ‘press in and strive’, it’s a matter of spending daily time with him.

The ultimate irony: someone said in a class I was taking from a well-known prophet, that she heard the trees talk to her. I asked the teachers of this class, “isn’t that witchcraft?” [they kicked me out of the class when I asked, instead of answering my question, making them VERY suspect in my eyes]

Now, 10 years later, the bushes and flowers talk to me.

Satan had me so bound up in black and white’ism that I couldn’t HEAR the forest for the trees.

"If it's something of God, then the devil will have twisted it negative.  "

Janine Joi

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