It’s been a while since I posted. I’ve been going thru some stuff. The last of my molestors died in August. My dad. I have learned a LOT. I have made a flower essence called Rite of Passage and I’ve made one for dealing with the anger and hurt for when your molester dies. I’ll […]
What a RELIEF To Finally Say It! 9.10.21

What a RELIEF to finally say it OUT LOUD. My earthly Dad molested me! My earthly mother abandoned me, neglected me, emotionally abused me. She’s still alive in body, in Elk Grove, Ca. WHAT A DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY! And it continues with those that are without Jesus that are still alive. So this is my entry […]
Just What Specifically IS Sin? What, Specifically IS the Blood of Jesus?
What does it mean to be born into a ‘sin’ world? What is sin anyway? “They” say we are born into sin. “They” say be free from your sins. Just exactly, what are sins? What is a ‘sin world’? In basic training at Fort McClellan, 1973, there was a gal in my company, Carolyn Postell. […]