"If you are a Jesus follower, the power of God flows through you. Release that power by doing what Jesus did. Pray for another, heal the sick, be encouraging. No one ever got anywhere by  not taking that first step.  "

Janine Joi

Coming Home

For those returning home, either to their family or to Jesus. For those turning to Jesus for the first time, it will feel like ‘coming home’. Coming Home Flower Essence brings strength of convictions, perseverance and opens our eyes to see beauty around us.

Coming Home essence breaks the chains stopping us from being able to receive love, mercy and tenderness. Coming Home assists us in dealing with regrets and unfulfilled dreams, no matter if they were for us or others. It helps us to embrace change in our lives and opens us up to appreciating the life we have and to make room for new dreams. This essence opens the eyes of your heart to see the beauty around you, giving you emotional strength.
We all need to love ourselves, giving ourselves tenderness and care. We need to persevere, be able to receive and feel the love around us.
Coming Home flower essence helps to stabilize our emotions, encouraging us to embrace lifes changes, appreciate what we had as we look forward to the future.
Suggested donation is for a 1 oz bottle with dropper, no taxes. Take 3 drops 4 times a day.

** All essences remove the negative electric charge from our emotions, enabling Truth to rise and shine His Light upon areas that need His healing touch. **

Peacock Feathers – for strength and to see the beauty around you

Rutilated quartz  – breaks the chains that bind us up, magnifies the healing of the other essences with it. It reduces stress, brings inner peace and and self confidence

Mr. Lincoln red rose – frees the the emotions of self doubt and hate, brings new understanding, tenderness and love

Lobelia and Veronica – combo for strength of convictions, perseverance, seeing beauty around you

M&M – to be able to receive love, feel love, show compassion first to yourself, then to others.

Bauhania – to embrace change in one’s life

Calico Aster  – assists in dealing with regrets and condquences of our actions and inactions. Helps to heal emotions that come with saying goodbye to unfulfilled dreams, allowing us to appreciate and love what we have make room for new dreams.

Story behind the essence

Double quotes ” are God/Holy Spirit talking, single quotes ‘ are me.

People are returning to the Lord. All double quotes are Holy Spirit speaking, all single quotes are me.


‘It’s not a shock to you that Biden is president.’
“No, it’s not.”
‘You are using this to shake the nation!’
‘This IS the judgement for this Nation, who have been killing babies by
the millions and worshiping Baal.’
‘A remnant WILL rise up because that’s all that will be left after this
“Yes. Is there a question?”
‘Not yet, I’m getting to it Dad.’
“There is much more to come. This is a tip of the iceberg. People have been complacent. Many are returning. Pray for those whose hearts are returning. Pray for wisdom and understanding. Make an essence for returnees.” He chuckled. ” Call it Coming Home.”
‘Yes Lord. What’s in it Holy Spirit?’
“Feathers, peacock feathers for strength and to see the beauty around you. Rutilated quartz for breaking free of fetters, Mr. Linc red rose for tenderness and love. Lobelia & Veronica for strength of convictions, perseverance, seeing beauty around; M&M of course, Bauhania to embrace change in one’s life, calico aster for what it does, look it up.”

Calico aster assists in dealing with regrets and consequences of our actions and inactions. It helps to heal the emotions that come with saying goodbye to unfulfilled dreams, whether they are dreams for ourselves, dreams of a lost relationship or dreams for our children. Dealing with these emotions allows us to appreciate and love the life we have and make room for new dreams.

‘Lord,’ …

“What happened to Dad?”
‘I’m distant, I see. I’m working on it. It’s because I’m serious. But when I’m like this, I feel distant.’
“Good girl for recognizing it.”
‘Holy Spirit, why do you tell me these things?’
“Because you listen.”
‘Many listen Lord.’
“Yes, however not all hear everything. That is why there are pastors,
teachers, evangelists, healers, brick layers, flower essecenciers,”…
‘LOLOL! Sorry. That was funny!’
He laughed. “I thought you’d appreciate that. Like it?”
‘It’s as good as anything and easier to say than flower essence
“Each hears according to their calling.”
‘Oh, that’s wild Dad. I never thought of it like that.’
“I know,” he said, smiling.
“Yes, doesn’t it?” He smiled.
‘That’s why we need each other isn’t it?’
‘That’s why each one has a truth and we are all to share, isn’t it?’
“Yes it is. Because as I’ve told you before Janine, no one is an island.
Everyone needs each other. And it doesn’t matter which party affiliation a
person is in. Everyone needs each other.” ‘Hmmm.’

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