Memories – Tucked In A Letter

This is a letter from my Dad I saved from Jan 1976. I will write it out in its entirety. For one, the Lord has called [told] me to be transparent in everything about me. It’s taken me 3 years, but I finally came around to His desires.

Actual letter

The other, because maybe my sister needs to hear some of the memories too. She was way quicker than me in figuring him out. She stayed away from family gatherings 99% of the time. Back then, it hurt me. Now I understand it.

I had my venting of how he was to me on a previous post. Since corrected and revised. Then the post on working thru it all and the result. Now I’m remembering the Dad he was before. Without him as my Dad, I wouldn’t be the terrific person I am now. Yeah, you think I don’t think that? Why wouldn’t I? I embody all the good stuff he was. I have overcome all the bad stuff he was that I also inherited. I lived with and was around my dad more than my mother. Even with all the schtuff, I’m glad of that.

This letter is when I lived in Germany, when I got out of the Army over there and had my son in Nov 1974. Apparently I had written him a very nice birthday card/letter. One of many I’ve written.

Dear J –

Thank you for one of the nicest, warmest, dearest birthday cards or letters [or any other kind of card or letter] I’ve ever received. Some of the things I had forgotten; most I remembered – plus a few others.

  • Remember on the way to the slough where we’d turn the corner, let Val out, [the dog] and you would drive from there to the next road? And then later, call the way to the gate?
    Remember when you fell out of the Jeep & wiped out the guy’s new house? [no mention of how badly I was hurt when I fell half out of the jeep while driving, with my foot on the accelerator, when the door opened, I reached out to grab it and fell half out, the jeep hitting the post in cement and slamming shut on me]
  • the fact that you [& c] weren’t too keen on wading across the main slough?
  • the fun we had digging clams & fishing & picking berries “for Moggie”? [You ate 3 for every one you put in the can.]
  • Building the fires & roasting the hot dogs?
  • The rock dam we made for “our pool” on “our creek” out of Redding?
  • The little fish that nibbled at your toes?
  • The long red satin or silk dress for Xmas?
  • The look on your face & the squeal when you found the new bike behind Pop’s garden shed?
  • The big sign you & C made for Pop & me & put up for Father’s Day? [still have that picture]

All these plus a hundred more. Yes, my baby has grown up & has one of her own [and my own too] now. And as Tip grows up you’ll develope a thousand memories of your own – all different from these, yet all the same.

I presume Tip & you liked your ‘table decorations’. Wonder who else in Germany gets Xmas trees shipped in from the United States.

‘Tip’ circa 1975

A month ago Carol and I had definitely decided to sell the farm and split. Both do love each other, but just can’t live together. Since then, we’ve isolated a couple of big, main problems, & we’re leaving things as they are & see what works out. May make it yet.

I’m now looking for a new Val -finally over my trauma. Squirmy had twin lambs a week ago – wish you could see them! Sandy is due in a week or two & looks big enuf to have quintuplets! Hope there’s only two – that’s all the faucets she has. Gonna get a weaner pig now & raise him. Price of pork out of sight. Did so well on the steer, we’ll try this. Steer came out to total price of 77¢ per pound wrapped in the freezer. The burger alone is so good its worth 98¢# – not to mention fabulous steaks, roasts, short ribs, liver, etc.

Have a C.B. radio in the truck now. After that deal with the 3 squatters I figured its time to have one. Did you like your Ranch picture? Just got some more developed. When get prints will send you some.

Cabin picture
Picture of Ranch
sunset at cabin
Sunset at “The Ranch”

Love the candy with the booze in it. Man, what quality! Somewhat better than Woolworth’s chocolates. Enclosed are your negatives – some good ones there!


Must go now – gotta go build the pig pen. Tell me what Tip’s doing now. Does he recognize me? Is he ready to gather kindling at the Ranch? Mom [Moggie to me] is seriously talking about coming over there this summer.

All my love,

#1 Dad



"If keeping the fear inside you is more important than facing it, then you will believe anyone that will feed your fear."

Janine  Joi

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